Tierra Murra by Ecommshipments
Tierra Murra is a division of Ecommshipments, and is made up of handcrafted items by Nancy Hayata. Nancy founded Ecommshipments in 2008, and has been making and selling "unique finds" ever since.

Nancy Teramura Hayata
The name, Tierra Murra is a spinoff on Nancy's maiden name, Teramura.
Nancy was sewing at a young age, before she was even in school. Her mother couldn't keep up with her desire to constantly dress her Barbie doll in new clothes, so she taught Nancy how to sew. This love for creating and sewing never stopped. She learned to knit, crochet and had a passion for crewel embroidery as well.
When she was in high school, junior styles did not yet exist. Nancy started designing and sewing her own clothes so that she didn't have to wear children's styles any longer. She also started taking jewelry making classes, working in metalsmithing and wax casting.
In addition to a degree in Japanese from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Nancy has a degree in fashion design from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM).
It is her hope that you find a little something that you take a liking to in her items that are handmade with ♥.